Enact’s Blended Learning “Secret Sauce” for Emerging Leaders

Enact Leadership epitomizes a fast-evolving training firm going digital in this case study about their partnership with the collaborative learning platform from Intrepid and client Navis.
Enact Leadership has over 20 years of experience designing and delivering stellar instructor-led experiences. But they needed to evolve digitally, and fast.

Enact turned to Intrepid to rocket their online offering forward, and with pilot client Navis (a global high-tech firm for port management systems) they saw amazing results, both for the client and for their own business.


Navis needed to shrink the gap in leadership skills across their managerial pool. Enter Enact’s Emerging Leader Experience program, a built-out but then-untested online learning experience delivered on the Intrepid platform with wrap-around blended learning elements.

“Honestly, we were skeptics about leadership skill-building on a digital platform! We picked Intrepid as our partner because their platform makes it easy to innovate, customize and create the kind of impact we thought only instructor-led could offer."

Lydia Oxendine - Senior Consultant


Enact delivered to Navis’ global managerial pool an innovative approach to a blended learning journey, with modules consumed online on the Intrepid platform, a wrap-around Community of Practice webinar, in-platform discussion forums between facilitator/coaches and participants, and small group activities. First, though, all Navis participants completed Enact’s Leadership 360 feedback process, so that each manager knew where they could benefit from a deeper dive, and Navis had something to benchmark post-course results against.
of Most Recent
Cohort Has Been
Earned a Completion
or Completion with
Distinction Badge
Enact Leadership Case Study


During the course, engagement was at an ILT-level high of 93%, with a total of 89% of managers completing a course Badge of either Completion or Completion with Distinction.

Post-course, 15 months after the initial assessment, all the managers did a follow-up 360 feedback assessment. To Navis and Enact’s delight, the program achieved statistically significant behavioral improvement in all success factors, from building relationships to conducting tough conversations to developing an inclusive team culture.

“The Intrepid team was agile, responsive, fun partners, ensuring they fully transferred capability to our in-house team. Thank you, Intrepid!

Lydia Oxendine - Senior Consultant

In addition, the followup revealed that the participants who needed the most got the most out of the program. For instance, women in leadership roles at technology companies often struggle to get ahead. After the Emerging Leader program, female participants rated higher on all strength factors than men. Women’s increase was statistically significantly more on “Building Powerful Relationships” than their male counterparts. Newer managers to Navis also gained more from the training than those with more tenure. And individuals rated by Navis to be “high potential” managers had statistically significantly more gains throughout.

But even better, 25% of the most recent cohort through the program has been promoted – so Enact has quite successfully equipped Navis’s next generation of leaders and enabled their readiness to be in management positions.

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